Hi, thank you for visiting my Happy Rhodes song samples page. If you haven't heard Happy's music, I think you're in for a treat. If you've only heard a few songs or one or two albums, you have a lot of great music ahead of you. If you like what you hear, please spread the word. Happy's an independent artist, and well-worth supporting. Word of mouth always helps.
You can use this player to spot sample Happy's music, or
scroll down for downloadable songs (many more than what's in this player)
Now listen to ALL of Happy's albums as streaming audio!
Now listen to ALL of Happy's albums as streaming audio!
Most of Happy's albums can be bought from her at her official web site, http://www.auntiesocialmusic.com (link opens in a new window). If you're new to Happy and like her, please go to her web site and buy directly instead of going to ebay. Sure ebay is cheaper, but you're giving the money to some random dealer instead of the struggling independent artist who needs it more. If the lure of ebay is too great (and I understand about that), please consider buying other albums from her in the future.
Some albums are very close to being out-of-print and are sometimes being sold for insane prices on Amazon and ebay. Don't fall into that trap. Go to Happy first and get them for a normal price. If she's out of stock I don't know what to tell you. You can download most of the music here until she can afford more pressings.
Disclaimer: I have no professional or financial dealings in Happy's career. My interest is strictly personal, as a long-time fan. Happy knows about this page and is cool with it. She understands why I do it and doesn't mind. She knows I've been sharing her music with others since 1988 and will keep on doing so and she approves. I have faith that people who are interested in her music will support her as an indie artist. Those who don't, wouldn't have whether they'd heard the music or not.
If you doubt, here's Happy's blessing, in writing:
Vickie Mapes has the exclusive permission, (with the
exception of myself) to share mp3 files of the music of
Happy Rhodes in whatever context she sees fit.
The only exceptions to this rule have been discussed
between myself and Vickie and will be honored.
No one else has this right or permission.
Happy Rhodes
Friday, 18 Mar 2005
Anyone with questions about the authenticity of that should go to Happy's official web site and e-mail her from there to ask her (Update: link is now defunct but seriously, I'll get you in touch with her if you really want to challenge this. Just write me (note: you'll have to manipulate the address before you send it. Look at it closely.).
Here's a Happy Rhodes fan page
Happy's lyrics can be found at the Ecto Home Page (page opens in a new window)
I love all of these songs, but generally my favorites are the first couple of songs. If you're new to Happy you should find out soon enough if our tastes are compatible. If you think there are a lot of songs here, believe me, I left out dozens that I dearly love. It was painful too.
All the songs on my site are full-length except for these from Find Me. Full songs can be heard at the Find Me YouTube page, and the album is available at CD Baby and iTunes.
2007 Find Me

- Happy Rhodes - Find Me snippet
- Happy Rhodes - She Won't Go snippet
- Happy Rhodes - Treehouse snippet
- Happy Rhodes - One And Many snippet
- Happy Rhodes - Here And Hereafter snippet
- Happy Rhodes - Queen snippet
- Happy Rhodes - Fall snippet
- Happy Rhodes - Charlie snippet
- Happy Rhodes - Little Brother snippet
- Happy Rhodes - Can't Let Go snippet
- Happy Rhodes - Chosen One snippet
1998 Many Worlds Are Born Tonight

This album is available at CD Baby (CD and mp3s) and iTunes.
- Happy Rhodes - The Chariot
- Happy Rhodes - Winter (not a cover of the Tori song)
- Happy Rhodes - Tragic
- Happy Rhodes - Ra Is A Busy God
- Happy Rhodes - Looking Over Cliffs
- Happy Rhodes - Serenading Genius
- Happy Rhodes - If Wishes Were Horses, How Beggars Would Ride
- Happy Rhodes - Proof
1995 The Keep
(compilation of acoustic tracks and rarities)

This album is available at CD Baby (CD and mp3s) and iTunes.
- Happy Rhodes - Life On Mars (New recording of unreleased 1986 song, not a Bowie cover)
- Happy Rhodes - Temporary and Eternal Live on Echoes
- Happy Rhodes - Summer (Acoustic) Live on Echoes
- Happy Rhodes - For We Believe (Acoustic) Live in WDET studios 1993
- Happy Rhodes - The Yes Medley (Yes, Yes songs)
- Happy Rhodes - Prey of the Strange Happy's very first recording, 1984
1994 Building the Colossus

- Happy Rhodes - Collective Heart (about the fans who support her)
- Happy Rhodes - Glory (original version, starts slowly and quietly, be patient)
- Happy Rhodes - Just Like Tivoli (starts very slowly, be patient)
- Happy Rhodes - Down, Down (inspired by Hunt For Red October)
- Happy Rhodes - Big Dreams, Big Life
- Happy Rhodes - Hold Me
- Happy Rhodes - Pride
1993 Equipoise

- Happy Rhodes - I Say
- Happy Rhodes - Mother Sea
- Happy Rhodes - Temporary And Eternal
- Happy Rhodes - He Will Come
- and
- The Flight (a vampire song story...they MUST be played together)
1993 RhodeSongs
(compilation including live versions and rarities)

This album is available at CD Baby (as mp3s downloads only) and iTunes.
- Happy Rhodes - Summer
- Happy Rhodes - Given In Acoustic
- Happy Rhodes - In Hiding Acoustic
- Happy Rhodes - Ashes To Ashes (Bowie Cover)
- Happy Rhodes - Feed The Fire Acoustic Tribute version (snippet of Kate song within)
- Happy Rhodes - Save Our Souls Acoustic
1991 Warpaint

- Happy Rhodes - Words Weren't Made For Cowards
- Happy Rhodes - Warpaint
- Happy Rhodes - All Things (Mia Ia Io)
- Happy Rhodes - Lay Me Down
- Happy Rhodes - In Hiding
- Happy Rhodes - Waking Up
- Happy Rhodes - Feed The Fire
1987 Ecto

- Happy Rhodes - Off From Out From Under Me (the song that hooked me)
- Happy Rhodes - Ode
- Happy Rhodes - Project 499
- Happy Rhodes - Don't Want To Hear It (probably her most Kate Bush-like vocals)
- Happy Rhodes - Ecto
- Happy Rhodes – When the Rain Came Down (Bonus track on the 1992 Ecto CD release)
- Happy Rhodes - Would That I Could
- Happy Rhodes - Look For The Child (Bonus track on the 1992 Ecto CD release)
- Happy Rhodes - If So
1986 Rearmament

- Happy Rhodes - 'til the Dawn Breaks (one of my all-time favorite songs, it really shows off her range)
- Happy Rhodes - Because I Learn
- Happy Rhodes - Crystal Orbs
- Happy Rhodes - Rhodes Waltz
- Happy Rhodes - Friend You'll Be
- Happy Rhodes - For We Believe
- Happy Rhodes - I Have A Heart
- Happy Rhodes - Ally Ally Oxenfree
1986 Rhodes II

This album is available at CD Baby (as mp3s downloads only) and iTunes.
- Happy Rhodes - Asylum Master
- Happy Rhodes - Come Here
- Happy Rhodes - No One Here
- Happy Rhodes - To The Funnyfarm
- Happy Rhodes - Beat It Out
- Happy Rhodes - Take Me With You (Bonus track for 1992 CD release)
- Happy Rhodes - Many Nights
- Happy Rhodes - Under And Over The Brink
- Happy Rhodes - Where Do I Go
1986 Rhodes I

- Happy Rhodes - Possessed
- Happy Rhodes - Oh The Drears
- Happy Rhodes - I'm Not Awake, I'm Not Asleep
- Happy Rhodes - Step Inside
- Happy Rhodes - The Wretches Gone Awry
- Happy Rhodes - Given In
- Happy Rhodes - I'll Let You Go
- Happy Rhodes - Moonbeam Friends
- Happy Rhodes - The First To Cry
- Happy Rhodes - Suicide Song (Bonus track on the 1992 CD release)
These were taken at the Tin Angel in Philadelphia, PA on October 12, 1996
The first picture was taken by me at the Tin Angel in Philadelphia on January 29, 2005
The second photo was taken by Jeff Wasilko (I think) at meth&woj's House Concert in New Haven, CT on April 6, 2003.
I love that photo of Kate Bush, one of Happy's biggest influences, in the background.
These pictures were stolen from Happy's web site
If you have any questions, I may or may not be able to answer them, but I'll try. My name is Vickie and you can write me here (note: you'll have to manipulate the address before you send it. Look at it closely.)